Helpful Hints
FAQs & Helpful Hints
We have a number of common questions about our storage services, so have summarised these FAQs in a series of helpful hints below:
What’s the best way to package items?
By using same size sturdy cartons which are labelled clearly you can optimise your storage space.
How should I arrange packages in the container?
By leaving a passage way in your container you can more easily access items in the back. Place items you need to get to more often in the front. Place heavy items on the bottom.
What should I do with heavy or oversized items?
Keep cartons at a weight you can easily handle. Where possible dismantle bulky items to save space.
Can I store fragile items safely?
Wrapping fragile items in bubble-wrap protects them from breaking. Mark mirrors, glass and artwork as such and package separately. Place these safely on top of other larger items.
Can I store kitchen appliances and white goods?
Clean and defrost refrigerators and freezers and leave the doors slightly open. Clean stoves before storage. Make sure to drain washing machines completely before putting them into storage.
Are battery-powered items safe in storage?
Remove all batteries from appliances as leaks can cause damage.
Can I store computers & other electrical appliances?
Store computers, televisions, videos & stereos in their original cartons wherever possible. Backup hard disks & store the backup off site.
Are petrol powered engines safe to store?
Remove petrol and oil from mowers and other machinery. Wipe metal parts with an oily rag to help prevent rust. Any engine / engined vehicles and appliances / tools must have a tarp / plastic sheet placed underneath.
How do I store beds & mattresses?
Do not wrap in tight plastic.
What about storing bedding and fabrics?
As above applies. Moth or natural repellants will protect any clothing and fabrics.
Do I need insurance on my items?
Insurance is not provided. It is a good idea to insure items you put into storage.
Can I store food and drink items?
Do not store food and drink items.
Are there any other conditions, or items I can’t store?
Please refer to the terms of your lease agreement. You can not store flammable, explosive, hazardous items or items that could pose a risk to other persons or property.